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For large groups the seminar/lecture approach works very well. Chris has developed a number of specific lecture topics over the years and these are listed below but he can develop new material to suit any audience. The price for such sessions is £10 per head provided there are at least fifteen attendees.

Contact Chris about seminars and lectures

Topics currently available are:

Backgammon in Pictures: a light-hearted look at the history of the game covering its origins, the art of the game, advertising, the arrival of doubling and the emergence of computers.

The Ten Commandments: the ten key ideas/concepts that underpin successful backgammon.

Doubling Fundamentals:  doubling is the most difficult aspect of backgammon and even now we have only scratched the surface when it comes to this very complex topic. This seminar starts with the very basics and leads the audience through all aspects of doubling, including doubling in tournaments.

Advanced Doubling: doubling cannot be taught in a single session and this seminar looks at the more complex aspects of using the doubling cube in a very structured manner.

How to Win Five Point Matches: match play is the most complex form of backgammon. In this seminar Chris takes you through the basics of match play and explains how to adjust your checker play and cube handling depending upon the score in the match.

Risk & Reward: the majority of decisions in backgammon require you to balance taking a risk with the gaining of a reward. For example, is now the time to leave your opponent a shot or should you play safe? In this seminar Chris teaches you how to think about such issues, gives you a set of guidelines and provides lots of practical examples.

To Slot or not to Slot: this is a natural follow-up to Risk & Reward and looks in depth at situations where it might be right (or not!) to slot a point in the hope of making it on the next roll. Again there are many practical examples provided.

Here is Chris in action at Backgammon Live in London presenting some of this last seminar:


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